CEO & Managing Partner of Hanold Associates

Jason Hanold
CEO of Hanold Associates in Chicago Based in the greater Chicago area, Jason Hanold is the CEO and managing partner of leading executive search firm Hanold Associates. He works closely with clients to identify and hire diverse candidates for chief HR officer, chief people officer, board director, and DEI leadership roles. Read More
5 Potentially Lucrative Career Choices for Former Athletes
When an athlete retires from their sporting career, they have many career paths to choose from. Athletes possess a variety of hard and soft skills that are very desirable in other industries too, chief among them the ability to lead and compete, work as part of a...
Business Focus: 5 of the Top HR Trends You Should Know about in 2023
As we move through 2023, many of the changes that were implemented at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have become permanent aspects of our working lives. Meanwhile, HR leaders face an unprecedented amount of disruption in increasingly employee-driven labor...
Business Focus: 5 of the Top HR Trends You Should Know about in 2023
As we move through 2023, many of the changes that were implemented at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have become permanent aspects of our working lives. Meanwhile, HR leaders face an unprecedented amount of disruption in increasingly employee-driven labor...
4 Famous MLB Players Who Became Successful Entrepreneurs
Whether they sustain a career-ending injury or simply come to recognize that the years have taken their toll and their performance has started to slide, retirement is something that few professional athletes ever feel ready to face. Having spent years giving their all...
4 Challenges of Recruiting and Hiring at the C-Suite Level
Hiring can be challenging at any level, but it’s particularly difficult to recruit and hire the right people to propel your business to success. A CEO, VP, board director, or C-suite executive can make or break your company. That’s why so many companies retain an...
5 Athletes Who Created Huge Business Empires
A professional athlete can make serious bank during their sports careers. However, with a relatively limited career span, many invest in building their own businesses in order to provide a steady income stream long after their sporting career ends. In this...