Recruitment and hiring are challenging. Yes, knowing you’re helping a company grow by identifying and attracting strong candidates may be rewarding, but it’s also hard work.

That’s why many recruiters and hiring managers struggle with burnout. This can be particularly common during stages of rapid growth. When you’re constantly seeking people to fill vacant positions, chances are that you’ll eventually get tired and stressed.

That doesn’t need to happen. You simply need to understand what you can do to guard against burnout. Specifically, you should keep the following tips in mind:

Separate Life and Work

When you’re a busy hiring manager, you may feel tempted to get ahead by working at home and skipping breaks. This is an understandable impulse. However, in the long run, it’s not a recipe for job satisfaction. You’ll be less likely to burn out if you keep work and your personal life separate. Additionally, although skipping a break every now and then may be acceptable, you generally want to take your breaks. Your brain needs time to recharge.

Get Help

It’s important to communicate your needs to the company’s other important decision makers. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, let others know. They’ll likely be able to help in some capacity. For example, a manager might be able to rearrange schedules so one of his or her employees can assist you with recruitment when you’re particularly busy.

It’s also a good idea to enlist outside help when necessary. For example, perhaps you work for a startup that needs a new CEO. If you don’t have much experience hiring for this position, you can hire an executive search firm to assist you. Coordinating with experts can significantly reduce your workload.

Find Your Mission

Burnout is far less common when a job provides you with a sense of purpose. Having a mission at work makes the challenging aspects more bearable.

Some people are fortunate. They work for organizations whose values clearly align with their own. However, that’s not always the case. Maybe your company’s mission doesn’t resonate with you in any sort of immediate or powerful way.

Even if this is true, you should still try to find purpose in your work. You may need to ask questions about your own values to do so. For example, maybe you enjoy feeling as though you are providing employment opportunities to people who, for any number of reasons, may have struggled to secure employment. Or, perhaps your job fulfills you when you realize you’re hiring many young people, helping them start their careers with a strong company.

Those are merely examples. The nature of your mission must be authentic. While it may take time to develop this sense of purpose, doing so is key to preventing burnout.

Prep Meals Ahead of Time

Don’t overlook basic practical factors! Your body needs fuel. If you’re constantly eating junk food, you won’t feel mentally or physically alert enough to handle your workload.

Guarding against this is simple. All you need to do is prep healthful meals at home before work. You’ll be less inclined to make poor eating choices on the job if you set aside some time during the week to prepare.

Use the Right Resources

Resources and tools for recruiters and hiring managers are always improving. Make a point of consistently looking into them. In many instances, you’ll find new programs can help you automate numerous tasks. The more time you can save, the better the odds you’ll avoid burnout.

Get Moving

Once again, taking care of your body is key. Unfortunately, recruiters often spend a lot of time sitting.

Whenever possible, avoid this tendency by moving around and taking walks outside during breaks. You might also want to invest in a standing desk to break up the monotony.

Be Reasonable and Realistic

A lack of communication between hiring managers and other important decision makers at your company is a problem you need to address. For instance, if communication is lacking, a manager might not fully realize how much time you’ll realistically need to spend filling a position. Thus, he or she may set a deadline that subjects you to undue stress.

Don’t try to be a superhero. While you may want to impress your superiors, you won’t do so in the long run if you burn out. Instead, honestly communicate what a manager’s realistic expectations should be when he or she needs you to help fill a role.

Most importantly, pay attention to how you’re feeling. Burnout can creep up on you. If you take action to address the factors causing it, you can prevent a minor issue from becoming a more significant problem.